Paid Surveys FAQ

The biggest thing to hit the internet in recent months is paid surveys.
Paid Surveys actually aren't that new. People have been taking surveys for
money for over thirty years now. But lately a lot of websites are popping up
claiming to pay you thousands of dollars for taking paid surveys online.
of these websites have nothing to do with paid surveys, market research, or
any other type product tests or focus groups. They simply pose as paid surveys
to get you to buy a product or subscribe to their mailing list so they can sell
your information to third parties.
However, there are several companies that really do pay you to take surveys
online. These are market research firms that are hired by major companies to
conduct research studies of their products or advertising methods. Big
corporations spend Billions of dollars every year on advertising. They then
hire market research companies to see if their advertising is working. In return
market research companies will pay you a small fee to test a product or give your
opinion of a commercial or other type of advertisement.
With so many paid survey scams out there it is difficult to tell the real from
the fakes. Below is a list of questions commonly asked about taking paid surveys
Can I Really Get Paid To Take Surveys Online?
Believe or not the answer is yes. As I explained earlier, there are several
companies that will pay you to participate in paid surveys, focus groups,
product tests, and even mystery shops.
Will I Really Make $250 An Hour?
NO! It is claims like these that cause everyone to think that paid surveys is a
scam. It is possible to be invited to participate in a focus group that pays $250
and only takes an hour of your time. But you will be lucky if you were to get more
than one of those a year. They average paid survey pays between $5 and $20.
Should I Pay To Join A Paid Survey Site?
NO! NEVER! A legitimate paid survey site would never make you pay to work
for them. Most sites that ask you to pay are simply directories of companies that
you can join to take paid surveys. Lots of time these directories are outdated and
worthless. There are lots of websites that offer the exact same information for free.
You are usually fooled into joining one of these paid membership sites by claims
of making thousands of dollars a month. Those sites don't even send paid surveys!
How Much Can I Expect To Make?
That all depends on you. You can make a couple dollars a month with one
paid survey company. Or you can make a few hundred with several. It all
depends on how many surveys you take. In order to make hundreds a month you
would have to register with several paid surveys companies. Most companies will
send only a few paid surveys a month. Although there are a few that will send several
paid surveys a week. So the logic is... the more paid survey companies you are registered
with, the more paid surveys you will be invited too, and the more money you
will make taking paid surveys online. You will usually be asked a few questions prior
to taking a survey to see if you fit the demographics they are looking for
for that particular paid survey. You will not be qualified for all paid surveys.
How Do I get paid?
Each paid survey company will have it's own payment system. Some will send you
a check for each survey you take. Some pay you through Pay Pal. Others use
a points system where you earn points for each paid survey and the points can be
cashed in for cash payments, gift cards, or other merchandise. Some paid surveys
will enter you into drawings or sweepstakes. Although these do not always pay, the
odds are not that bad. Sometimes the survey may pay $100 to 100 people who
took the survey. Which means if 1,000 people take that survey your chances of
winning are 1 in 10. And they are usually pretty short surveys.
Where Can I Find Real Paid Surveys Without Paying For a Membership?
There are several Free Paid Surveys Directories online. Try doing a search for "Taking
Free Paid Surveys Online" at Or refer to the link at the bottom of this page
for a site that lists lots of legitimate paid surveys. Once again, never pay A Fee To
Join a Paid Survey Site.
What Are Some Good Paid Surveys To Join?
I have had the best experience with the following companies. This is my list of personal
·  NFO My Survey
·  Global Test Market
·  Survey Spot
·  Survey Savvy
·  ECN REsearch
·  Lightspeed Research
·  Greenfield Online
·  Test Spin
·  Synovate Surveys
·  E-Poll
·  Poll CastCunningham Research
·  Pinecone Research 
   Tips For the Highest Paid Surveys Online
Fact or Fiction
Of course, you are looking for the highest paid surveys online, because you know that they are the real money makers among paid for surveys. The question is, are they for real or are they a figment of your imagination?
As you may have found, there are those that claim that high paying surveys, many that claim $75-$150 per survey! Really, is there actually anyone who that are indeed taking these high paid surveys? Do they really exist?
Be Cautiously Trusting
On the surface, you have to admit that these so-called "high paid surveys" have simply got to be an invented myth, a creation of the paid survey companies designed to get more people to register with them. Cautions are good, but guess what people, you'll be happy to know that there is such a thing out there. They really do exist, but here's the catch; not everyone can get them because they aren't offered to just everyone that signs up to take paid surveys.
I have taken several; over two dozen surveys that paid $50 and one paid me a whopping 225 great big green backs!
What Do YOU Have to Offer?
The key is in to make the market research companies know that you're real as in real-(liable) and that you're a discerning and astute consumer. Even though you want the fat checks, never turndown a survey for $1 or $2, these are the surveys that create your track record with the survey company.
Who do you think they turn to when they need survey takers for the highest paying surveys? Not the first person that just popped into the scene. They want somebody that is here and proven themselves. You'll never miss out if you accept these smaller surveys now. You'll be on the list for all of the highest paid surveys online later.
Realistic Expectations For Online Surveys
Here's a misguided belief we want to clarify now. Please, please don't think that you are going to sit down today, and immediately start taking paid surveys and make thousands of dollars your first few months.
I'm not saying that it isn't possible. I guess anything is possible. It's just not realistic folks. Most likely, within an hour, working five days per week, you would most likely make three to four hundred dollars your first month with surveys and undoubtedly will be able to increase that income as the survey companies start to send you higher paying surveys.
People that have made a full time job from survey taking didn't get there overnight. It can be enjoyable work, but it is work, make no doubt about it. Those successful at getting paid for survey taking have taken the time to build a reputation with companies and they are known to be dependable and trust worthy. They take surveys consistently and that is why they get the highest paying surveys.
Survey Companies Want the Ambitious
So, first you find the companies. Then, after you uncover he highest paying surveys the next trick is to get accepted by them. Surely, if you've been taking surveys long, you probably have missed out on some high paying surveys simply because you were too late.
Be sure to absolutely check your email once a day at minimum! Many miss out on these high paying surveys because once the invitations go out they are snapped up pretty quickly. If you want to take the highest paying surveys, keep an eye on your email!
Here is the major reason most miss out on the best surveys. They limit themselves to just a few survey companies. They give up after a few weeks if they don't get that $75 survey right away. Well, that doesn't work if you want the high paid surveys online. Register with as many survey companies as possible, at minimum; a fifty to sixty and a couple hundred is even better!

Polling and Campaigning Made Easier Using Online Surveys

Whether campaigning for government, a local chapter or for election to the school council online surveys are the easy and effective election tool that will benefit any campaign. Use surveys to discover more about the electorate, to identifying the issues that really concern them so that each campaign can be tailored to reach the hearts and minds of the voters. Objective For any survey it is important to decide from the beginning what the objective of the survey is and when considering conducting a survey in support of a particular candidate consider if the purpose of the survey is to discover what the 'issues' are; or is the survey to be used to promote the candidates image and policies?
In many cases objectives will be in line with the different phases of an election process.
Before campaigning begins a survey is an ideal method to canvass the voters and to determine what the important issues are likely to be. To gain a wider response across the whole political spectrum the survey will preferably be conducted through an independent channel so that people's opinion of a particular candidate does not influence the research. For a political survey it is essential that the demographics of those surveyed are established as different groups are likely to have both common and varied views. With demographic information there is an opportunity to establish what the main issues are by age group, by income and by gender; do people who rent have the same concerns as those that own their own homes?
A pre-campaign survey will be able to monitor the mood of the voters. Some may, if asked, even indicate who they are likely to vote for in a future election. By listening to the electorate a campaign can be planned better and will allow printed and oral marketing to be properly targeted at the issues that people want addressed.
For candidates that appear out of step with the electorate surveys can provide a measure of how much effort will be required, and in what areas, so that people are convinced and change their views.
Campaign survey
During a campaign an online survey is an effective way to market a candidate's position. Tradition methods of leafleting rely on the recipient reading and taking on board the message. Leaflets are a one way marketing effort and more often than not dismissed and discarded along with other 'junk mail'.
Consider on the other hand an online survey that can phrase questions such as:-
Do you support candidate Jone's pledge to cut the budget deficit in half to $250 billion over four years; and to reintroduce budget rules capping spending?
To answer this question the respondent has to engage mentally with the survey by reading and then considering the statement before forming an opinion. Because the respondent is able to express their view they are also more likely going to consider the argument. An online survey is not only able to deliver an important policy statement but will also allow the campaign team to monitor the level of support that the candidate has on specific issues.
With the new breed of online survey web sites generators such as multiple online surveys can be created and published in minutes making it feasible to target specific groups on specific issues. There is no longer a need to devise a 'one size fits all' survey. Surveys that promote policies that are aimed at retired voters can be sent to retired voters, while younger people can be sent surveys that promote the candidates policy on issues that are only important to them.
Using the per-campaign survey data the 'undecided voter' can be targeted and engaged, with perhaps the opposition's policy being used to highlight the benefit of voting for a candidate. Do you support the opposition's plans that will reduce the tax burden for high earners and result in middle income families paying more tax?
A well written campaign survey will promote the candidate, measure opinion and monitor how effective the campaign is. Online surveys allow this to be done with considerable ease, they are extremely cost effectively and allow the results to be analyzed on the fly.
Compare the benefits of online surveys over other forms of campaigning such as door to door and telephone canvassing, leafleting, advertising and personal appearances.
If not already, the Internet is fast becoming the primary method of communication for both business and personal use and provides direct access to a broad cross section of any voting population.
Through the use of email, websites and search engine advertising online surveys are able to target a large proportion of a population at a fraction of the price compared to traditional marketing methods. With the online surveys ability to provide market research, marketing and education there is no other single form of marketing that is as cost effective and versatile. With the speed of deployment being measured in hours and minutes, not weeks and day, online surveys are able to deliver a flexible and dynamic campaign message keeping pace with the political mood that can change on the basis of a single comment or headline.
With each survey's demographic data a campaign is able to accurately and instantly measure the scale of success in terms of the number of 'messages' delivered, the target group and, based on the results, the effectiveness of the online survey marketing campaign.

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